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  • In this first edition of the


    In this first edition of 2015, the Sleep Science journal, diffusion instrument of the Latin American Federation of the Sleep Societies (FLASS), shows chapters of the working program for the years 2014–2016, in which one expects the active participation of all brotherly societies on the clinical and basic investigation of sleep in Latin America. The practice of sleep medicine is happening in our entire continent and within all the disciplines that integrate the emergent and consolidated sleep science, in some countries more than others, and our mission as a Federation, is of following this growth per Associations, as well as per individual members. For this following up, we propose a program entitled ,with the engagement to respond to all the questions and doubts that were debated during the last Assembly in December 2014, where we analyzed and raised the attention to the reality of the Latin American Federation of the Sleep Societies. Such analysis, were focused on the pressing need of integration, institutionalization and corporative structuring of FLASS, of member appropriation and of constructing with solid basis, the integration and accompanying of the development of the sleep science in the continent. 1. Proposal 1: Membership and contacts During the last Assembly we determined the need to be more inclusive with the Latin American countries [1], establishing as a priority, and the contact between the existing associations’ leaders and if nonexistent in some countries, with whomever was studying sleep medicine or investigating sleep in each country, reliving the statutes and agreements of Punta del Leste, Uruguay [2]. Doing justice to this goal of the honorable Assembly and with the objective of producing the abovementioned contacts, we propose to establish a MAIN PLAN [1], where a member of the actual group will be in charge of such contacts and secondly, to establish within the same idea, a , to effectively promote such coverage and following up. The regional distribution is as follows: North (Mexico, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua), Caribe (Venezuela, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica and Panama), Andes-Amazon (Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia and Chile) and River Plate (Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay). This political division will serve, among other things, to improve the focal adhesion kinase of communication for the information coming from the Latin American Federation of Sleep Societies.
    2. Proposal 2: Corporate matters Fort the second programmatic concept [1], there is the urgent need presented during the Assembly, of resolving the corporate aspects, where we propose to revise the statutes and to proceed with the corporate and formal enrollment of FLASS, as an international organism, with headquarters in Mexico City, already approved during the 2014 Assembly. In past years, there have been proposed some statutes during the Punta Del Este meeting in Uruguay, which have been reanalyzed and reconsidered for some central aspects that were raised during such meeting, in order to establish a plan of action that allows for a better growth and consolidation as a Federation, the central aspects of the statutory analysis, being around the following aspects: Validity of the present structure, Vision and Mission, Enrollment of the Latin American Federation of Sleep Societies, Grants Provision and FLASS assets and Membership criteria. We will establish a working group during the meeting and we will present the respective proposition in the FLASS Assembly, previously mentioned.
    3. Proposal 3: Present status For the third proposal[1] we want to revise all the different aspects that were published about the present status as a reflection of what has been done and published in the available literature to date. As a result, we found a couple of short notes that were published in the News Letter [3,4], of the World Association of Sleep Medicine, in the years of 2006 and 2007 and a third revision, a little more comprehensive that was published in SLEEP SCIENCE. In passive transport third revision [5], performed by 9 of the country members of FLASS, the majority of South Americans concluded in such analysis that some aspects of vital importance for the present status, such as the unequal development of sleep medicine in the continent, the variability of the countries’ financial resources to receive technology and capacitation, and the little influence of the existing associations in the pre and post graduation health programs, lack of certification, in order to study sleep medicine. This has already been seen as the associations’ lack of participation in the making of state politics, which demonstrates that we still have some space to work for, considering the high potential for development.